How to get the number of twitter followers without a twitter application on the twitter API
You can download the latest version from:
Copy this into a directory along with your PhantomJS binary and name it "weworkwefollow.js" (or something)
test the script using this command; replace PATH_TO_PHANTOMJS with the path to the directory you've stored your phantomJS binary, give the twitter usernames as command line arguments to the script
phantomjs weworkwefollow.js weworkweplay pharrell nosajthing bibio
the script returns a JSON, something like this:
Small example in php that you can use in a cronjob or as a async javascript call on your site:
As someone on reddit suggested you can also easily scrape a page using cURL
on ubuntu just apt-get install with:
sudo apt-get install curl
curl | grep js-mini-profile-stat | grep followers | awk 'gsub(/.*title="|" class.*/,"")' >> output.txt
This will scrape the page and output the number of followers to a text file. You can then easily add this to your crontab and voila, you got yourself a twitter scraper!